HTB - Explore
Android - Easy
IP =
Likes always run Nmap scan for opening port
Nmap: sudo nmap -sSVC -p- explore.htb -oA nmap/explore
Port | Service |
2222/tcp | SSH-2.0-SSH Server - Banana Studio |
5555/tcp | freeciv |
42135/tcp | ES File Explorer Name Response httpd |
42207/tcp | unknown |
59777/tcp | Bukkit JSONAPI httpd for Minecraft game server 3.6.0 |
Freeciv, ES File Explorer and Bukkit JSONAPI httpd is quiet interesting then I research some CVE, vulnerabilities about them and I found the FreeCIV Arbitrary Code Execution and ES File Explorer - Arbitrary File Read (the FreeCIV exploit can get root maybe this was privilege escalation part)
Metasploit: Module ES File Explorer Open Port
This module was create from CVE-2019-6447,ES File Explorer - Arbitrary File Read So I use it to get more information on this machine
After list some files I found the
file, looks like it contains user credentials, I access that path in browserhttp://explore.htb:59777/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/creds.jpg
then I got some user credential
SSH: ssh kristi@explore.htb -p 2222
with Kristi:Kr1sT!5h@Rp3xPl0r3!
I try
with the Kristi user and got it now look foruser.txt
I list all files and found the link directory name
link to primary storage of the device and then founduser.txt
Exploitation & Privilege Escalation
Now I try the Freeciv CVE-2010-2445 that I found early in the enumeration part I try ADB
connect from my kali -> machine and it does not work and the remote machine does not have ADB
So I use Tunneling to access the 5555
ADB port with this I can access remote machine specific port through my local machine
Now I can use
to connect and got shell user since it doesn’t require any authentication, I justsu
to login as root and gotroot.txt